My Experience : Dying my hair using L'oreal Excellence Cream No. 5

Hi everyone !

Today I want to share my experience using L'oreal Excellence Cream no.5 (Natural Light Brown).

This is my first time dying my hair, so I'm really excited but afraid at the same time.

I got mine at Watson (a drusgstore in Jakarta) for IDR 120.000. The price is pretty high compare to other brand that's available there. I specifically searched for L'oreal because I watched lilysimply youtube video on How To Dye Your Hair and she's using the brand.

So here's how the box looks like :

Inside, you'll get these :

It also comes with a gloves

First, you have to apply the serum all over your hair and concentrated on the bottom part of your hair because I think it's the most damaged part of your hair.

Next, mix this 2 products and shake it hard until it mixed really well. (Notes : the mixture smells really strong, so if you can't stand it you might need a mask or something for protection)

Then, with the gloves, begin applying the mixture to your hair. I divided my hair with a hair clip and started from my bottom part of my hair. I took the mixture on my hand and began pressing my hair with both on my hands. When I reached the top part, I applied the mixture on to my root first and distributed evenly to my hair.

The instruction said that you have to leave it for about 30 minutes, but because I think my hair is super black, I leave it a little bit longer for about 45 minutes.

After that, put on the balm conditioner and rinse your hair with a warm water.

Here's the result on my hair.

To be honest, I feel really disappointed because my hair is still black. I couldn't see the brown at all.
Except for the roots, I can see a little bit of brown peeking trough on a certain lighting.

Because of that, I decided to do it over again. I bought another box and did my hair one more time and leave it for 1 hour this time. So, here's the result on my second try.

In photos, it's usually kinda hard to see the colour, but from the picture above you can see it pretty well because of the good lighting :D.  In real life you can see it, but it's not BOOM brown, if you know what I mean. It's a natural brown, and I kinda like it. I feel like the top part of my hair is more brown than the bottom, I don't know why.

Pros :
- One thing I really LOVE about this product is that it didn't damage my hair. My hair is still looking healthy and feel really soft as well.
- It looks natural on my hair after the second use (some people might hate this, but I like it)
- It is really easy to use

Cons :
- The colour didn't show up on the first use
- If you search for dye that really show up on your hair, this maybe not the one for you.
- The mixture smells really strong

Overall, I like this product and my new hair. Hope this post helpful for you and see you on my next post ^^.


  1. looking good del!! ciamik bener sama new hair color nya :D
